It is interesting how we talk and investigate the 'whole student' but rarely the whole cohort. I propose the following exercise done every year. Each teacher for each class is given a file with a plastic sleeve for each class.
By the end of term one, each sleeve must contain an example of an A,B,C,D,E piece of work for every class taught.
The files are submitted to the principal for review and issues discussed that is seen in particular pieces of work. Alternately each assessment, the best and worst are sent to the principal. The principal at their discretion can book appointments with students, parents, teachers, team leaders and heads of department. This was something done on a regular basis in the past and was something tangible that connected students to the principal.
This would create a very direct link between student - teacher - admin and promote dicussion on the level of students and areas, where we are going right and where we are going wrong. These portfolios could be used for yearly teacher assessments.
Getting administration away from managing behavioural issues only and into effectively (and time efficiently) coordinating academic performance needs to be a key objective for state schools to perform at higher levels - especially where clear lines of responsibilty for subject (not class) performance are not evident. This does not mean more committees, we need individuals with experience willing to take responsibility for results, able to make considered and decisive action.