It's easy to deflate someones enthusiasm. As a HOLA you are on the end of every complaint and every perceived inequity in your department. I don't always deal with them in the moment as well as I could without other things on my mind. I try and create a shared vision with everyone along for the ride but it's possible to deflate my enthusiasm for the vision and have conflict derail the shared vision when those you are working are fixated on minor resolvable issues and ignoring the big picture of improvement both in conditions and achievement.
Being mindful of the following can give some insight into the issues faced by HOLAs and Administration in complaint management and resolution.
Here are some things to think about before making a complaint.
If someone gets something that you do not, that does not make it unfair. Believing this makes you sound entitled. If someone gets more help, it might be because they need it. If someone gets less help it may be because they are being given an opportunity to show what they can do. If someone gets more help it may just be because a series of events have lead to this with no ill intent to anyone. A big goal is not able to be achieved in one step with everyone contributing equally and it may take time to reach everyone or for everyone to see the benefits - for a period you may be required to do more until resources are available for everyone. Waiting for everyone to complete the same amount of work would make the task take infinitely longer where reluctant, incapable, obstructive, lacking experience, with personal issues, or have conflicting/higher priorities are involved.
Is my situation better than it was?
If I look backwards has someone made my situation better overall than it would have been otherwise? Putting this one incident aside, consistently has an effort been made to improve my situation by them? How much goodwill will I lose from making this complaint and how much does it have the potential to impact on future opportunities. Is it worth making a scene and what will it accomplish?
Is this my job?
If at the end of the day you are asking to do a basic task of a teacher:
- plan for a class
- assess ability of a student
- teach the class
- cater to student individual needs
- identify resources for students
then being resentful for having not having someone to do any of this work for you can lead to inferences of laziness or incompetence. At the end of the day, others can prepare and assist you by passing on resources to you for you to use in your class, but you will still have to evaluate them and ensure they are suitable. If you require someone else to do your work for you, you are expecting them to do your duties of teaching your class, a role you are being paid to do.
What do I want from this?
If you do not realise what you want from a complaint, it's a whinge. A complaint needs to lead to an outcome that will improve student outcomes. Have a very clear idea about what you want, and consider the previous point whether it is a desire or something that is actually a part of your regular duties.
What forum can I use to address this issue?
Is this about power and embarrassment or about change for the good of students? If I make this complaint public (in the staffroom, to the Principal or Deputy, by discussing it with others in the faculty) will it alter the relationship I have with this person and limit future opportunities? How long will it take to rectify it if things go wrong? Is the timing right for discussing it? What frame of mind am I in? Would it be better to send an email or have a private discussion?
I suggest strongly resisting complaining publicly as is not a good way to make a name for yourself. People will respond differently if you make a complaint in front of others than if you do it privately and seek a conversation (either through responding to an email or in person). If you have had ample time to use different means to state your concern and choose to do it in public, it says something about you and the relationship you have within the hierarchy. Nobody wants public conflict - ensure you have exhausted all other avenues before using this path.
How can I ensure that what I am asking for is reasonable?
Be very careful about issuing demands is my best piece of advice. A demand infers entitlement - if you are not entitled to the demand, by definition you are behaving in an entitled way and this will be judged by your peers and your HOLA. When working in a hierarchy (which most schools are), my suggestion is to ask "up", and the times that you can tell "down" to someone below you in the hierarchy is very limited (generally for compliance issues only such as SCSA, Dept Policy or Business Plan objective requirements). Resist telling "up", it is out of place and shows a lack of respect and understanding of leadership which has the potential to be detrimental to your future self and will take considerable time to repair leading to blaming others for lack of progress that you have had a part in.
Being a negative bystander
If you see someone in a situation that has the potential to end poorly, don't let them self destruct. Point out that what they are doing is not productive and seek ways to remedy the situation. At a minimum don't inflame it - if you do then you are a part of the problem. Often a person will calm down and reconsider their position if they are not encouraged by those with an agenda of derailing the vision. People that seek to undermine a shared vision are noticed and will be overlooked or be counselled if it is overt enough. Those that are seen as being productive, cooperative, capable and willing to contribute will be rewarded first - this is the basis of merit, the ability to contribute towards organisational goals - note that I did not say personal goals (these are irrelevant if they do not align with organisational goals that you are paid to follow!). It makes sense to promote those seeking to work within the system and makes no sense to reward those that actively seek to disrupt it.
Leaders have to make best efforts to bring everyone with them. This means that, on occasion, people will not come along, leading to inequity of effort or may have competing priorities that lead to some things not happening. It's not always personal, it's not necessarily laziness, it may just be circumstance. We need to be reasonable about what we demand, and work in an adult environment where requests are made and not have a public "tantrum" or play "no speakies" in the hope we will get our own way. As term progresses and pressures rise, conflict can occur. The trick is how to deal with it and I am by no means an expert - it is wise to observe those that handle and navigate conflict well and learn from their successes.