Where a child has not found success they will lose motivation. This will result in loss of self esteem, reduce effort and create a cycle of failure.
This is true of adults too.
It is important that a student believes that they can succeed. There are many levers that can be used to get a student to develop the understanding that they can succeed.
1. Provide work at level
2. Provide extrinsic motivation to seek success (such as rewards for effort during learning)
3. Develop an appreciation for intrinsic rewards (such as earned praise)
4. Provide a focus for learning (such as developing a career focus)
5. Place students at a similar level that are also seeking to understand a concept
6. Chunk contents into smaller and more easily understood concepts
7. Space practice to encourage retention
8. Provide formative assessment to focus learning on concepts found difficult
9. Develop an appreciation for revision practices (establish cause (study) and effect (do better))
10. Use environmental print (posters etc)
11. Present and repackage information multimodally (visually, aurally, written, orally)
12. Use ICT effectively (this is a topic in itself)
13. Scaffold well (understanding their prior learning)
14. Provide access to practice work
15. Develop an understanding that they have control over what they can learn - they control the effort that they put into learning and the result of that learning.
16. Overcome test anxiety through overlearning
17. Explicitly teaching how to use a text (how to use a worked example, checking answers, getting to the assessment level questions at the end of exercises, reading ahead, using an index, reading the glossary, identifying hints to worked examples)
18. Developing the confidence to ask questions
19. Checking understanding
20. Using a calm and constructive approach to teaching (especially for trauma, Autism, PTSD, anxious students)
21. Reduce load, focus exposure to practice work (to prevent tiredness and fatigue) - this appears counterintuitive, but a student undergoing high levels of learning will tire quickly overcoming high levels of anxiety - driving them to continue doing pratice work is counterintuitive to a positive learning environment. The trick is to identify when overcoming loafing and when genuine fatigue is being encountered (the student may not know!).
Often, if queried about why a child is not succeeding, the answer given is a lack of resilience. To my mind this is the effect rather than the cause. Where "resilience" is the issue, often the steps to allieviating the effect need further examination.