Friday, November 8, 2019

Looking back at 2019

So when I look back at 2019 I see a successful year.
  • Deputy for the majority of the year
  • Supported three different Principals
  • Assisted students find alternate pathways where required
  • Navigated difficult cases working with Department of Communities, Department of Justice, Participation and Engagement resulting in positive outcomes for students
  • Led the Course Counselling team
  • Led the Curriculum team
  • Completed the 2020 timetable (undone)
    • Created a MAG class for 7/8 to assist low literacy numeracy students in 2020 (undone)
    • Implemented the Student Council Form Class
    • Implemented a lower school specialised basketball programme
    • Created a focus on Endorsed Programmes (undone)
    • Changed the mode of the period 25 class to reduce FTE requirements (undone)
    • All teachers on load (undone)
  • Created a focus on NCCD intervention (unlikely to continue)
  • Worked with teachers in performance management group to raise awareness of opportunities and strengths
  • Managed the NNEI relationship
  • Named a fellow by Rotary for services to education and welfare of students
  • Started the Guitar group and a boardgame group with students (unlikely to continue)
  • Continued to work with the low mood boys group (unlikely to continue)
  • Developed an understanding of SENN reporting and implemented it for a whole year 7 class
  • Mentored two social work Practicum students
  • Navigated some difficult staffing issues to conclusion
  • Maintained a calm approach in Senior School
  • Organised the achievers club with 80 students on B averages (a rise from 50 in semester 1)
  • Developed the business plan reporting tool and managed the addition of information to the tool
  • Completed 5 job applications, 2 interviews, 1 job
Update (edit above): Sadly, a lot was undone when I returned to my current role due to a host of reasons, (including leaving for a new role in a new school).


  1. A good formal education may very well prepare you for a high paying job someday, but I haven't met many people who manage to live a fulfilled life who have a JOB (also known as Just Over Broke). education

  2. It's a combination of who you know, who you can cultivate, the amount of work you are willing to do more than someone else, your interview technique, pitching at an achievable level and maintaining a positive attitude. The formal education affects most the pitching at an achievable level. Plan to fail and you will. Learn from your failures. Easier to say once you have done it, but the majority of people do - the main difference is that you can't expect to own your home and car by thirty without doing something exceptional. Those that get ahead will have supports (such as family) to prop them until they can support themselves. Remembering the "you're own your own now" talk that we were given at 17 after leaving school, the way today may be better for most.


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